Jennifer Galliott
“L’anse aux Basques/Boat tapestry” 
(2014) 36″ x 60″

Jennifer Galliott
“Summer Love/Cowhead”
(2008) 24″ x 36″

Jennifer Galliott’s Statement

I continuously draw inspiration from the ocean and vast landscapes of Newfoundland. My work utilizes my personal memories and experiences of Newfoundland to evoke those of the viewer. I try and use recognizable human elements while remaining abstract enough that the viewer’s own memories are allowed to surface.

Each one of my tapestries are designed and woven by me. I find colour is very important within my weaving and designs. I spend a large amount of time collecting colours, weaving and unweaving until I get the desired effect.

Jennifer Gallott
“Bonne Bay and her Stories” 
(2015) 60″ x 84″

Jennifer Galliott’s Biography

Jennifer has a Bachelor of Fine Arts, with a major in textiles from the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design. Along with studying in “NSCAD”, Jennifer has attendant Alberta College of Art, Finished a self-lead textile travel study in New Zealand, opened a hands on studio space on the west coast of Newfoundland and is currently an artist in residence at the Anna Templeton Centre.