Program Information

When members join as a Studio Circle Member or above, they are able to participate in ATA’s Artist Page Spotlight program. Artists who have an Artist Page are featured on ATA’s social media accounts that occur each Tuesday and Thursday. ATA’s social media posts reach over 8,000 visits per week. Featured artists are invited to cross-promote by sharing their spotlight via mailing lists or their individual social media accounts. Consider joining or upgrading your ATA membership as a Studio Circle Member or above today.

Please contact the Administrative Manager (director(at) or the Director of Promotions (promotions(at) with questions regarding these and ATA’s other outreach initiatives.

**Very important!** Artist Page members will have to provide high-quality images of their work in order for it to be posted to the Artist Pages. If you need guidance on how to photograph your work and understand the differences between pixels and d.p.i., please go here for more info. If you have any technical difficulties in uploading your correctly formatted images or submitting the form, please email ATA’s Artist Pages Manager at director(at)

Your Artist Page will be online for a one-year term and will remain there as long as you maintain your Studio Circle-level membership. You can update your page every year at the time of your renewal, as long as you are a Studio Circle Member. Submission of images to the Artist Pages program constitutes your permission for ATA to duplicate or reproduce the submitted images for publicity and promotional purposes, including the Internet.


Artist Page Submission Form

  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Images should be at a resolution of 150-300 dpi.
  • For each image you submit, please include the following: 1. Full title of the tapestry. 2. Dimensions in inches or mm of your tapestry. 3. The year the tapestry was completed.
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Images should be at a resolution of 150-300 dpi.
  • For each image you submit, please include the following: 1. Full title of the tapestry. 2. Dimensions in inches or mm of your tapestry. 3. The year the tapestry was completed.
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Images should be at a resolution of 150-300 dpi.
  • For each image you submit, please include the following: 1. Full title of the tapestry. 2. Dimensions in inches or mm of your tapestry. 3. The year the tapestry was completed.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.