International Student Award
Read about Rastislav Janardan, the 2024 International Student Award Winner.
Rastislav Janardan, 2024 ISA Awardee
Thích Nhất Hạnh Smoking Meditation, 2023
40 in x 35 in
Wool and cotton.
List of International Student Award Winners
The American Tapestry Alliance (ATA) was founded to support the development and increase awareness of handwoven tapestry. To this end, ATA has created the ATA International Student Award to encourage study in the field.
The Award
The ATA International Student Award is presented annually to a student enrolled in a college fiber program. The fiber program may be located in any country, subject to some restrictions below. The award consists of:
- $750.00
- An article published on ATA’s website featuring the winner
All qualifying applicants will receive a one year student membership in the American Tapestry Alliance.
Important Payment Information–PLEASE READ!
Please note that the following countries do not have PayPal facilities – Belarus, Burma (Myanmar), Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Iran, Iraq, Liberia (Former Regime of Charles Taylor), Persons Undermining the Sovereignty of Lebanon or Its Democratic Processes and Institutions, North Korea, Sierra Leone, Sudan, Syria, Western Balkans.
The American Tapestry Alliance will not be able to accept submissions from these countries.
In addition to this, some countries may have PayPal facilities but certain areas do not have an agent that can deal with PayPal. Please make sure that you are in a country/region that has both a PayPal facility and an agent that can deal with PayPal.

Sabrina Niebler
Rooted in the Hand, 2013
6 in x 3.5 in x 2.5
Rice paper (silk screened with text and hand spun into yarn), cotton warp, pulled warp, and pieced tapestry
Award Criteria
A panel of judges will evaluate the submissions on the basis of the following criteria:
- excellence in tapestry technique
- an awareness of the textile ‘language’
- creativity in imagery.
For the purposes of this award, woven tapestry is defined as hand woven, weft faced fabric using discontinuous wefts. Students who work in both traditional and more experimental methods are encouraged to apply. Multimedia work will be considered as long as the primary medium is tapestry.
Application Materials
- A minimum of three tapestries is required, with one overall image and one detail for each tapestry. Images should be 150 dpi jpegs, 1920 pixels in the longest dimension. Images may not be cropped to exclude the edges of the piece. The edges must be visible in the photograph.
- A 100-250 word artist’s statement discussing the submitted tapestries.
- A short personal biography including name, contact information and how you came to discover tapestry.
- A scan of your current student ID.
Deadline: April 30th of each calendar year. The winner will be notified in mid-May. The American Tapestry Alliance reserves the right to withhold the award in any given year.
Use our online Application Form.
Information: ataaward(at)