Inyul Heo
Inyul Heo has exhibited extensively in Korea and China as well as in Europe. She has won numerous awards for her work in tapestry, the most recent of which was from Lausanne to Beijing International Fiberart Biennale Exhibition, Suzhou, China. Inyul taught basic design at Songdam College in 2007 and in the spring of 2009, she taught tapestry at Sangmyung University in Korea. Read the accompanying essay Inyul Heo to learn more about the work included in the exhibition.
Curator’s Biography
Barbara Burns began weaving in 1994, turning to tapestry in 2003. In 2005 she studied tapestry with Pat Taylor at West Dean College in England for an intensive six weeks. Burns has been working under the tutelage of Archie Brennan and Susan Maffei since 2003. Barbara Burns has exhibited extensively in the US and abroad. She is a member of The Wednesday Group, a group of actively exhibiting tapestry artists. She maintains a studio in her home in New York State and in Maine.