Nature & Tapestry: Tommye McClure Scanlin
Tommye’s tapestry work now spans over three decades and speaks to her love of a walk in the woods as well as her deep sadness about the human tendency to inhumanity, not only to each other but to all things of our world. Trees, flowers, birds, feathers, stones, and the pure love of the weaving process have been her creative life. Read the accompanying essay Nature & Tapestry to learn more about the work included in the exhibition.
Curator’s Biography
Pat Williams has been enthralled with designing and weaving tapestries since her first tapestry workshop in 1990. A member of the American Tapestry Alliance since its early days; the Southern Highland Craft Guild; and Tapestry Weavers South since its beginning in 1996. Her cartoon-like images are inspired by an interior world of struggles and realizations. See Pat’s online exhibit “Pat Williams Has Stories to Tell”.