Painter/Brown Scholarship


  • The applicant may not have received a scholarship from ATA during the past five years.
  • The scholarship is intended to support valid study/learning opportunities related to the art and craft of hand woven tapestry.
  • Funds will be paid directly to the institution or teacher.

Requirements for scholarship recipient

  • Scholarship recipients must submit a written report to the Director of Awards, accompanied by images, about the study/learning opportunity within three months of the funded study opportunity.
  • Scholarship recipients will submit an article to Tapestry Topics, ATA’s newsletter, related to the study within three months of the completion of the funded study opportunity.

Application Materials:

  • Digital images of at least two completed tapestries and, if possible, a work in progress. Submit a detail for each tapestry.
  • Name of the course of study, website and/or a scan of the class description; contact information for school or instructor.
  • Information about the content of the program & an explanation of the benefits to the applicant. All of this shall be no more than 150 words.
  • Total cost of the program and the amount requested. Please itemize the expenses, e.g. tuition, materials, transportation, housing, and also include the amount that you can fund through sources other than the scholarship.

Application Deadline: March 31 and September 30.

Notification: Within 3 weeks of the application.

Complete the form below to be considered for the award.

Painter/ Brown Scholarship Fund Application Form

  • Information
    A Painter-Brown Scholarship financially assists any ATA member who wishes to pursue study related to the field of tapestry. The scholarship provides funds to cover tuition costs or course fees to a maximum of $500 USD.
    Applications may be made for either online or in-person study in workshops, courses, study with individual tutors, or at institutions of higher learning. A three-member scholarship committee will determine the number of awards granted. ATA reserves the right to not fully fund the amount requested. Scholarship funds are paid directly to the instructor or institution via PayPal.
    ATA reserves the right to withhold the award in any given year.
    Only online applications can be considered. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  • Conditions
    • The applicant must be a current member of American Tapestry Alliance at any membership level.
    • The applicant may not have received a scholarship from ATA during the past five years.
    • The scholarship is intended to assist with costs related to valid study/learning opportunities related to the art and craft of hand woven tapestry.
    • Funds will be paid directly to the institution or teacher.
  • Requirements
    Scholarship recipients must submit a final report to the Director of Awards, accompanied by images, about the study/learning opportunity within three months of the completion of the funded study opportunity. A link and formatting details for the report will be sent upon award.
    Alternatively, the scholarship recipient may give a presentation to a weaver’s group about their study opportunity in lieu of a written article. This presentation can be made in-person, or via an online meeting format such as Zoom, or via one or more social media platforms. Documentation of the presentation is to be submitted to the Director of Awards within three months of the presentation.
    All submitted documentation may be used by ATA for promotional purposes only.
    Please select which type of study you are pursuing.
  • Scholarly Research Submissions
    Images may be submitted as part of the application. Refer to Image Requirements (below).
    At least one example of research or written work related to the field of tapestry must be submitted.
    Application Deadline: March 31 and September 30 of each year. Applicants may apply for only one study opportunity per application deadline. Notification will take place within 3 weeks.
  • Application
    Please fill in the fields below.
  • Title of the course; course description; instructor’s name and contact information, name of school and contact information, if applicable; website link.
  • Provide a very brief history of your tapestry-related experience. Importantly, explain fully why you wish to pursue this study opportunity: how does this opportunity fit within the history of your tapestry experience; what are the expected benefits to you and how will this new knowledge be incorporated into your tapestry practice or research. If applicable, are there any challenges – financial or otherwise - that would prevent you from participating in this study opportunity without the scholarship funding?
  • Note: The Painter-Brown Scholarship funds up to $500 USD for tuition or course fees, paid directly to the instructor or institution. Funds are only paid through PayPal: the instructor or institution must be able to access PayPal in their country. Visit to see if your country accepts PayPal.
    For hands-on study opportunities the cost of material fees may be considered only if the materials are provided by the course instructor and charged as a separate fee. Please provide amounts for the following:
    Tuition or course fee (convert to USD): Materials fee (if applicable) (USD): Amount requested (USD): Note: ATA reserves the right to award less than the amount requested. List any other funding sources to cover amounts in excess of $500 USD: e.g. personal contribution.
  • List other funding sources to cover amounts in excess of $500 USD.
  • Images must be of high quality, accurate color, and sharply focused. Photograph tapestries against a plain, neutral background.
    Image dimensions: 300 dpi, approx. 1100 px on the longest dimension. Note: if using cell phone images, save the image at the actual size/largest file.
    Submit images of two tapestries: one overall and one detail for each. Overall tapestry images must not be cropped and clearly show all edges.
    Images and details of two completed tapestries are preferable. Alternatively, images of one completed tapestry and detail must be submitted, and the second image and detail may be of a work in progress. This tapestry must be sufficiently woven to give a clear indication of the final work.
    Title images in this format: image number-last name-title-(detail)
    Example: 01-Lurcat-Unicorn, 02-Lurcat-Unicorn-detail
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload an annotated list of submitted images including title, dimensions, date, materials, techniques and photo credit. These image numbers must correspond with your annotated list of images. Example: 01. Jean Lurcat, Unicorn, 2020, 30 x 48 inches, wool and silk, Gobelins tapestry, photo: Jean Lurcat. 02. Detail, Jean Lurcat, Unicorn, 2020, 30 x 48 inches, wool and silk, Gobelins tapestry, photo: Jean Lurcat.
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #1
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #1, detail
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #2
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #2, detail
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #3
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image # 3, detail
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #4
  • Max. file size: 200 MB.
    Upload Image #4, detail
  • Having trouble with this form? Please email if you would like help.
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.