Volunteer Experience Survey Form Volunteer Experience Survey Thank you for taking part in ATA’s volunteer experience survey. Your answers will help us create fulfilling volunteer experiences that will benefit our members' experiences. No need to answer the questions that do not apply to your experiences, but please share with us any thoughts and experiences you had while volunteering with ATA!Name* First Last Email* 1. How long have you been volunteering with ATA? Less than 1 year 1-4 years 5 years or more 2. Please estimate how many hours per week, on average, you spend/spent on your ATA volunteer work Less than 3 hours per week 4-7 hours per week 8-10 hours per week More than 10 hours per week 3. Please list the volunteer role(s) you currently fill or have filled:4. Do you have paid employment? Yes, full-time Yes, part-time No 5. How well appreciated do you feel for your ATA volunteer work? Well-appreciated Generally appreciated, with some exceptions Generally not well appreciated, with some exceptions Not well appreciated 6. If you answered not well appreciated, with some exceptions or not well appreciated to question 5, please say more:7. Did you feel you received sufficient information and orientation to your ATA work before you began? Yes, I was well-informed for my task(s) I was mostly well-informed, with some exceptions I was mostly not well-informed, with some exceptions I was not at all well-informed 8. If you answered not well informed, with some exceptions or not at all well informed to question 7, please say more:9. Did you feel that your “supervisor” or ATA board director in your area did a good job communicating with you during your time as a volunteer? Yes, communication was good Communication was mostly good, with some exceptions Communication was mostly inadequate, with some exceptions Communication was not good 10. If you answered mostly inadequate or not good to question 9, please say more:11. Do/did you find your volunteer work to be (check as many as apply) Select All Interesting Rewarding Challenging Frustrating Burdensome Other 12. If you answered Other to question 11, please say more:13. What's the best experience you've had while volunteering for ATA?14. What for you is/was the least enjoyable aspect of volunteering for ATA?15. Please tell us what is the most important reason you volunteer for ATA. Check as many as apply. Select All To support and give back to ATA To meet and work with fellow tapestry weavers To share my skills Other 16. If you answered Other in question 15, please elaborate:THANK YOU for completing this survey and for all you do/have done for ATA. If you have more to share, please email volunteer(at)americantapestryalliance.orgEmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.